Metallic Orange
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but there is a new car color on the market and it's metallic orange. My theory on car colors is that cars should be metallic. White, and black to a lesser extent are not good car colors because they don't shine in the sun. Metallic orange is really going too far though. My favorite color is dark gray. I've never called cars sexy before, but nice sleek dark gray cars really are.
It took me a while to decide my opinion on this orange color. In the beginning I saw far too few of them. But now, i've decided. It's the color of metallic vomit. There's a guy who works in my warehouse who drives one. How an 18 year old can afford a shiny new car I don't know. But maybe I should have bought him a pound of the vomit jelly bellys to match his car.
At July 29, 2004 1:45 PM,
lyan! said…
chances are he leased his car or, maybe he has a job that pays well enough and looks good on a credit report. Its very possible. In fact the fact that even though the economy is doing really bad, people keep buying cars and houses. The reason is because the interest rate is super low currently which happens because things are so poor economically. When you make the interest rate low that makes people think it's a good idea to buy a car because in the end they're not spending as much as they would if the economy was greater and the interest rates higher. It's stupid to me, but that's because i'd spend my money on other things that wont break and cost more money down the road, but that's going to always limit me to buyng cars that already have their colors picked.
I do agree though Cynth, Metalic Orange is pretty hideous. I'm a big fan of silvers and your dark grey. Though i've seen orange leather seats in a Nissan Z, which is offically called 'Saddle' and that made the silver car look more like a F-16 or something super cool and fast, and i was all over that, but yeah, Metalic orange = Robot Puke.
At July 29, 2004 7:54 PM,
Kenny said…
I am okay with metallic orange. It's bold.
I probably wouldn't choose it for my car, because I am not bold enough.
Robot puke is by far the best kind of puke, because it comes from robots.
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