Why don't I have a better job?
I don't understand.
I've been doing a lot of faxing lately and maybe that will be a separate post, but since I've been standing by the fax machines I've had lots of time to go through the box that they put resumes in. Currently there are only 5 resumes/cover letters in the box but they all have very, very basic grammar errors. I don't understand why they couldn't just press spell check, or grammar check. Because it would have caught these problems.
Meanwhile my resume is pristine, clear and simple. I don't use big words for the sake of using big words (like 2:5 of the resumes). Everything is spelled correctly. When I write my cover letters I never say crap like "Please call me so we can discuss how my capabilities can be applied to the realization of your companys goals" [yes, company plural, not company posessive]
Am I doing something wrong? Should I make major grammar errors. Should I be wordy and vague? Should I sound like a person who has never written anything in my life and make it seem doubtful that 7:10 times I can form complete thoughts into complete sentences?
I am very glad I am going back to school. And maybe in a year I'll quit working and do it full time. Because one thing is obvious. I need to be in a supervising and hiring position. And if people call to inquire about resumes they sent that weren't up to my standards then I will tell them that we don't hire people who have more than 2 errors in their resume and maybe they should think about having someone proof read it for them.
I don't understand why I can't get a better job if this is the caliber of people out there. Is it because I refuse to use buzzwords?
I'm going to hang out by the fax and wait for more resumes, and memorize these people's names. If they get hired, I may just have to quit.
p.s. I'm well aware that my blog is nowhere near perfect gramatically, and most of the time i can't be bothered to use capital letters. It is NOT a resume though, and the only job it will find me is when I become famous and they publish it as a book.
At July 01, 2004 4:32 PM,
lyan! said…
jobs suck. the pursuit for jobs is even worse. Resumes are bullshit. No amount of actual good skills and work experience actually gets you the job. In fact the only way people actually get jobs is by having wide fake smiles and polo-shirt-wearing games of golf where you talk and falsely laugh about really dumb things like cars, meterosexual fashion, Maxim, and 'chicks.'
The play-date usually finishes with shopping, where the employer and new employee do fashion shows for each other based on what they bought, watch car commercials, put their feet up on endtables with Maxim, and pet the cute litle chickies they picked up at the pet store. Bastards, the lot of them!
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