ice cream making and ranting

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wikipedia: Britannica :: Rock and roll : ?

Here's a pretty good article about the Wikipedia, if anyone has the energy to read the whole thing, please comment.

KNOW IT ALL: Can Wikipedia conquer expertise?

“Wikipedia is to Britannica as ‘American Idol’ is to the Juilliard School,” he e-mailed me the next day. A few days later, Wales also chose a musical metaphor. “Wikipedia is to Britannica as rock and roll is to easy listening,” he suggested. “It may not be as smooth, but it scares the parents and is a lot smarter in the end.”


  • At July 27, 2006 10:10 AM, Blogger Zack said…

    In its seminal Western incarnation, the encyclopedia had been a dangerous book. ... As the historian Robert Darnton pointed out, the entry in the Encyclopédie on cannibalism ends with the cross-reference “See Eucharist.”

    That was awesome.

    I find New Yorker articles to be just the right length for a lot of things.


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