Early Spring?
I was explaining Groundhog Day to someone at work. He found out about it because it was written on his USAA calendar, full of sickening pictures of servicemen and families. He’s from Mexico, and has been in America for longer than most of the people in my department. Usually he’s the only one who understands when I try to make a pop culture reference. He was the only one who understood when I compared a coworker to Zach Morris, only without the heart of gold. But for all these years, he just never paid attention to medium sized rodents, I guess.
So I tell a short story about groundhogs and shadows and 6 more weeks of winter. And I get to the end, and I realize I’m supremely embarrassed. My gosh, did that story really come out of my mouth? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Even the addition of unicorns and princesses couldn’t make it any more absurd. If someone made it up for a movie everyone would laugh the writer out of the country.
After that, he asked how people celebrated, and I had to think for a while. And I realize that besides those crazies in Gobbler’s Knob, only people associated with elementary schools celebrate. And how do they celebrate? I’m not really sure. Probably a lesson on Groundhogs, or weather. Also, probably cookies and juice.
And, would you believe that this rodent’s day has basis in religion? After about 5 seconds of internet research, I find out that Candlemas Day is the 40th day of Christmas, or something. I’m too embarrassed to do real research on this subject. I hope Google doesn’t turn my record over to the government. They’ll totally all start laughing at me.
Let’s hope for an overcast Thursday! I’m way over winter this year.
At February 01, 2006 9:54 AM,
Tommaso Sciortino said…
If it's a co-opting of a german superstition than it makes sense that they have it in Gobbler's Knob, with poka music no less.
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