ice cream making and ranting

Friday, January 07, 2005

A dark day for us all

The fantastic Marukai 98 cent store on Hawthorne is no longer just a 98 cent store. It is now a 98 cent, $1.25 and $1.50 store. It's not like they got new stuff, they just up and raised some of the prices. Hmmph. I'm in mourning. I think the first stage is denial, then anger. grrrrr.

I'll check out the Artesia one soon and see if they've followed suit. They tried this a few years ago, it seemed to have failed because they lowered everything back down to 98 cents. Lets hope this happens again.

In order to cheer myself up after my horrifying experience of seeing all the hello kitty merchandise raised to 1.25, i bought myself this barbie nightlight for $6.99, almost half price, from the burlington coat factory. they also have this this one if anyone wants it. I got a hamtaro video too, let's hope it doesn't give me rabies.


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