Meat cures?
I woke up again today with a sore throat. I totally thought I was over that on sunday, but I guess not. I had 2 large cups of tea this morning, but they did nothing to soothe my throat. Then I debated if i should eat my lunch or go buy Jamba Juice and vitamin shock my system into getting well. Somehow my leftover ravioli and meatballs sounded better, even though I didn't have an appetite when I started, and it looked rather disgusting all cold and congeled. But as I was eating i started to feel better. It wasn't just the food, because I ate breakfast. It was totally the meat. Meat made me feel better. But only while i was eating. It's back now. I just came back from the store though, and I'm hoping if i drink 1/4 gallon of orange juice in the next 3 hours it will help.
And speaking of oj, what happened to donald duck orange juice? It was no where to be found at the vons i went to. that stuff was good.
Now i'm thinking i should go home and marinade a steak in orange juice for dinner. Although, I bet that works better without the pulp.
At July 13, 2004 2:26 PM,
lyan! said…
think maybe it has something to do with the tomatoes that were in the ravioli and or meatball stuff? most italian foods use that tomato base, which is nothing but citric acid, as would be a smoothie. Citric acid cuts right through the saliva and various viscous membranes in your throat. And if your throat's raw, it's like it's cut, and well, i don't see why you'd want to put acid on an open wound.
At July 13, 2004 3:58 PM,
Zack said…
Have you considered using Google when you have questions, instead of just posting them on your blog?
Anyhow, Florida's Natural's maker, Citrus World, markets the Donald Duck brand, which it obviously licenses from Disney, in some areas. It used to be a widespread brand, but in the past decade Florida's Natural has become the dominant brand of the company -- Citrus World -- to challenge Tropicana as a premium line (it's now 3rd nationwide, behind Trop. and the abominable Minute Maid). Don't expect to see Donald Duck OJ again in your lifetime, if you stay in CA.
No big loss, really. I don't understand what appeal Donald Duck has without his voice, and Tropicana was always better orange juice anyway (even discounting bulk Odwalla available at Costco).
At July 13, 2004 5:09 PM,
lydia said…
orange juice is bad for a sore throat. Tomato sauce is much less acidic. I've found that eating soft foods that aren't dry (like meatballs, as opposed to bread) usually lessens the pain in my throat during a cold. But it pretty much comes back after you finish eating.
At July 13, 2004 5:10 PM,
lydia said…
ps. A tip from my agent: If you have a cold, or anything else that's causing a sore throat, eat a Tums or two before going to sleep. While you sleep, your stomach acids can get into your throat and irritate whatever scratches are already there, which is part of why sore throats always feel worse in the morning. I've tried this. It really works.
At July 15, 2004 9:54 AM,
C said…
men are from mars, women are from venus, zack. when men have questions they seek answers and solutions. when women have questions, they just want to hear themselves talk. besides, why would i go through the trouble of looking stuff up when you'll do it for me. 5 years from now, some kid is going to come up to my reference desk, and ask me something when i'm in a lazy mood. i'll just post to my blog, and wait for you to answer. it's a good relationship, i think. it'll make you feel useful, and give me more time to play neopets.
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