Today I'm going to be shallow
It's friday, I deserve it.
I heard about the greatest advance in technology since they invented the internet.
The Sling Media Slingbox Personal Broadcaster allows you to use your home tv set up to watch tv from anywhere in the world on your lap top computer. They don't say if you can watch something different from what someone else is already watching on your tv (so I suspect it's a no). but if no one is home, magic! You can also watch shows stored in your tivo, and program your tivo remotely if you want.
As soon as I get a laptop, I'm getting one.
Hugh Hefner and I now have one more thing in common, besides the fact that we're getting old. I now have silk pyjamas. Granted his aren't Nicole Miller or disco diva print. But I've finally filled the gaping hole in my life that could only be filled by silk pjs. at $40 they were a bit pricy, but not compared to normal retail, I guess.
I have a new store of the moment because of my pj find. Tuesday Morning it's like Ross, only with many fewer clothes and many more housewares, including, like, 5 aisles of candles, like anyone needs that many candles.
I've been meaning to go to this store for over a year. But I found myself without my book,and with time to kill yesterday and I finally went. And I'm converted. In addition to the pjs I also got a great book on diner desserts. There's nothing like an old fashioned dessert made from fresh, high fat ingredients.
Tomorrow I will be dancing at the PV Street Fair. This will be the first time I'll dance in front of people. I'm actually nervous. Luckily it's at 11am, so it's likely that there won't be many people watching. Of course, I'm not ruling out the possibility of meeting a rich, hill-dwelling boy.
I probably won't eat beforehand. That way there'll be less belly and more dance. So there'd better be cotton candy and funnel cake afterward!
For those who haven't heard, they've finally approved the .xxx domain. I'm happy. and things that make me happy tend to anger my enemies. So, I'm happier.
I think we should all buy our names at .xxx. I'm sure it's just another commercial domain and you don't have to prove you're providing porn to get an xxx. I'm actually considering it. I think it would make a good site for a library blog in the future. although, now that I check, my *firstnamelastname*.com is available. maybe I'll buy both.
And while I'm being shallow, check out for the oversized rat who has everything.
I can't get enough of this site, but I especially like the hats and costumes.
At June 03, 2005 3:26 PM,
lydia said…
I like the pink pillbox hat, but I could totally make it myself. The K9 glasses, though, are pretty awesome, and the Doggles are just the best!
Break a leg (belly?) tomorrow!
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