Things for Kids
My Herbie Review
Herbie was all in all fun enjoyable. I recommended it to someone in class yesterday who has kids 5 and 10 yrs old. That being said, I did mention that Herbie was a bit more sinister than I thought he should be. I've been thinking about it, and I guess it's just me. I'm sure kids are hardwired to know that Herbie is the good guy, so even if he does creepy stuff, it's funny, because they know it will work out in the end.
I'm used to my Disney stories where the villian is punished and the hero is treated well. We expect the junk yard guys to be squirted with oil and almost run over and stuff. What I don't expect, and what is completely unacceptable is that a young girl is trapped in a car who drives her around, fast and recklessly down the road. I choose not to listen to the reports that Lindsay is a party girl and such, and remember her large body of work as a disney kid star. You can't trap a girl like that in a car!
Besides Lindsay, Herbie is supposed to be a disney hero too. Disney heroes do not torture their allies! Herbie is really just a spoiled brat looking out for #1. I don't remember much about the original Herbie, was he that bitchy? Save the tortured, flawed heroes for literature. When it comes to Disney movies, I want black and white!
Even though we all learn a valuable lesson, and it all works out in the end, Herbie never gets a chance to really redeem himself. It's not like he does much of anything that benefits Lindsay more than it benefits him.
Unlike Kenny, I wasn't creeped out by the antenna boner. What I was creeped out by was the fact that Herbie, the sentient car, was in lust with what we are lead to believe is just a normal car. Granted, it must be a lonely life being a sentient car. But liking a regular car is like a person liking a mannequin, or a blow up doll. Kind of sad and creepy. Luckily, (and I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler) at the very end the other car winks at us, ha ha audience, you thought I was regular through the whole movie, But watch out! all cars are secretly alive and can torture you at will!
I've kinda had a thing for Justin Long since I noticed him as the kid in ED. It was nice to see him in a movie less crappy than his usual ones.
To continue my trend of preparing for Anime Expo by only paying attention to non-anime cartoons, I went to Best Buy today and picked up Danger Mouse. Somehow I missed the memo when it was released on May 31, or I would have involved it in my birthday somehow. But I have it now. and as soon as 5:00 rolls around there's nothing stopping me from tearing home to watch my DM. He is the greatest, and he is magnific, quite possibly the greatest secret agent in the world. And it was a deal, $20 for 5 hrs. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to include Banana man or Count Duckula. But maybe if DM does ok, they'll release those two. I was really into Count Duckula, I even read the comic books.
I'll let you know how much better it is than I remember tomorrow.
Planning what to wear to AX is much harder than I expected, It seems that I've recently acquired an awful lot of cartoon t-shirts, along with other appropriate nerd attire. I need to make a note of this and stop buying them. It's really a good think I've been able to hold out on buying a Rainbow Brite shirt. I don't know how long my willpower will last though. I watch "what not to wear," I know I'm too old for that stuff. It doesn't stop me from wanting it though.
Friday I'll wear my Jem shirt. It'll be good. Tons of kids will ask me what Jem is, and I'll feel 100 years old. That way I can be super young the rest of the days and not mind.
I'll be sure to post pictures of my mystery non-anime costume that I'm wearing Saturday. I got confirmation today. They're expediting the shipping because the mistake was their fault. Let's hope I get it in time to make the necessary alterations.
At June 29, 2005 8:38 AM,
C said…
I heard that, but I agree with Kenny when he told me, even if they did, they're still big enough.
Besides, she wears a racing suit for half the movie. you'd think that'd be enough covering up for anyone.
At June 30, 2005 12:04 AM,
Kenny said…
It's likely that breast thing was just a rumor. If it is true, it must have been only one or two especially distracting shots, because her breasts look as ample as ever.
Herbie has trapped almost all of his drivers inside while driving fast and recklessly. It's okay because we know no harm will come to Lindsay, and she needs to learn that she's not too good for Herbie. She doesn't get immunity for being a girl. Herbie's not going to rape her or something.
The cool thing about Herbie is that he takes no shit. If you mess with him he'll fuck you up. People think he's a pansy because he's called the Love Bug, but he should be called the Don't Fuck With Me Bug. And as long as you're tight with him, he's got your back.
The theory of Herbie and sentient objects in the Herbie universe has its roots in Buddhist theories of animism. The closest we have to an explanation is Tennessee's (Buddy Hackett) in the original Love Bug--essentially, the idea that people put a lot of love into their cars, and if you invest enough emotion into an object, it "starts to think it is somebody." Thus, this could affect any car (or thing). Not every car is alive, but they all have that potential. Herbie is unique only in that he chooses to exercise his free will.
In Herbie Rides Again, we see a living musical organ, a trolley car, and a whole fleet of other VW Bugs that follow Herbie when he summons them. In Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo, Herbie falls in love with a sports car (though this car is revealed to be a fellow living car much sooner than the New Beetle in Fully Loaded). So this background might help, but kids will give Herbie the benefit of the doubt that he knows another live car when he sees it.
At June 30, 2005 11:33 AM,
Kenny said…
Since you already think of that scene as sinister, though, you might enjoy this: Got to'Brien/index.shtml and click on "Conan on the Aisle."
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