beauty and the geek 2
My blog seems to be going through a small identity crisis, I hope it pulls itself out. I don't think I changed any settings, but it seems to have changed. Maybe it's throwing a tantrum because of the quality of my blogging lately. I think I'll delete yesterday's post, because I completely failed to make any points at all.
I was out wed. so I had to catch the rerun of beauty and the geek last night, and boy was it worth it. ---MAKEOVER!
The girls get sent shopping. Their task is to buy their partner new clothes, and to mix things up, their challenge is to spend as close as possible to $1000 (including tax) without going over. Oh boy, was my price is right gene perked up. Gosh were they adorable trying to figure out 8.25% tax in their heads.
Now, I'm not particularly good at math. I don't really know what happened, but I totally must have missed that day in elementary school where everyone memorized their multiplication tables. It's really embarassing actually. The basic concepts of math don't freak me out though. I love figuring out a good percent off. But I don't actually figure it, I estimate it. It works out fine for me, because I tend to round up, and then when I get to the cash register I'm pleasantly surprised.
The girls proved themselves very worthy. They squirmed a bit with the math, but (unfortunately) none of them are actually stupid. And they all took their treasures home to their boys.
Not only did the boys get a new wardrobe, but the girls directed a hair stylist too. And then it was time for the transformation. You could see the potential in some of the boys, obviously, not Richard, with his giant monkey lips and ears. But who knew under that unwashed geek exterior the other boys were actually attractive. I wish I could link to the makeover pictures, but I can't. Just rest assured that no one would ever mistake them for geeks (until they open their mouths). Mr. scout leader and Mr. dukes of hazard fan club VP, we almost hot. But there seems to be something about our tv geeks that prevents them from shaving. If I was the partner, I'd defintely put the smack down. Light hair and dark stubble do not equal hot.
Now that the boys are made over their task is to collect as many phone numbers from girls on the street as they can in 30 mins. So they drop them at a hot spot and they go at it. And this is where I disagree with the principal. I disagree even more than the TLC show where they make you over and teach you how to date, and then force you to date a stranger from the street.
Who does this sort of thing??? Obviously, it's widely accepted or it wouldn't be on so many tv shows. But I don't initiate conversations with strangers, and I also don't give strangers my phone number. Picking people up on the street used to be completely vulgar, when did it become acceptable?? Miss Manners says that you don't even have to acknowledge men on the street, because they are obviously talking to you for the wrong reasons: wanton intentions, not respect for you. I could continue this diatribe about strangers forever. But I'll stop out of respect for my aling blog.
The boys do a surprisingly good job, with the exception of Richard, of course. Really he was probably just an spoiled little bratty only child and he hasn't grown up yet. He's probably naturally smart about some things, but has absolutely 0 patience for trying things he's not good at. And when he's failing at something, instead of throwing a tantrum, he just starts to act up, pretending that he's really being very clever. I wouldn't be surprised if he was some kind of plant. He seems to be completely against learning any of the lessons the show is trying to teach. Gosh he's annoying. And he partner is so patient. If he was my charge there'd have been a stiletto through his skull long ago.
The numbers are got, I think, possibly, this is the first time in history geeks have collected so many phone numbers and won't call the girls. Now 2 teams have to go head to head, and one will be booted from the house. Girls have to do simple math, boys have to answer dating questions.
Math is pretty straight forward. whatever. But dating, that's just ridiculous. Granted the boys had a book, and they were supposed to learn the material in the book. But the questions were so retardedly subjective. "Who pays on the first date?" obviously the man, if he's worth his salt. But the 2005 answer is "whomever asks." whatever. In my world the man always asks (which may be why I'm single). The other question was "how much should you tip on a first date to show that you're generous" the show's answer was 20%. Bleh I say. Tipping should reflect service I say. Also, *showing* how much you're tipping is vulgar. If the girl isnt' paying, she doesn't need to see the bill. It's very much rude to show people what their gifts cost, and the dinner is a gift. There was another question, but I forget.
What did I learn from this show: not much. What ideas that I already have were reinforced from this show: 1. Nerd boys can be totally hot with the right attention.2. This modern dating thing is not for me. One of you had better set me up with a friend soon. Because I don't talk to strangers on the street, and I'm not about to start.
They're casting for season 2 now. I, unfortunately, don't think I qualify for the beauty part. I can only hope that season 3 will be reversed and hot guys will will take nerdy girls under their wings. I can definitely geek myself up for casting. I am an aspiring librarian with a closet full of cartigan sweaters, respectable length skirts, a cat, a blog, a love for tv shows that teach stuff who has been to yearbook, and anime conventions and doesn't talk to strangers. I'd be pretty ill prepared to teach my partner physics or something though.
At June 24, 2005 5:39 PM,
Kenny said…
My blog is being weird with the spacing too.
At June 25, 2005 4:08 PM,
lydia said…
me too, but you already knew that.
Cynth, you should totally go on a reality show. Preferrably food-related, though.
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