ice cream making and ranting

Friday, April 01, 2005

Happy April 1

It's another psuedo-holiday and there are no festivities, and no cupcakes for me.

Google's prank is ok. Neopets' prank is a little bleh. There's not much difference between the ridiculous "new" pets and the ridiculous real pets. Kevin and Bean's celebration is cool. although I'm sitting here at work rather than taking part in the debauchary that may or may not actually be happening at venice beach. There's some lame story on yahoo news about some software company marketing he revolutionary new product that actually turns out to be speaking. ha, talking about something common place in language that makes it seem extrordinary, i've never heard that one before.

does anyone know of anything good? taco-liberty-bell good?

i'm bored. if i was less bored and more motivated there'd be links in this post.


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