ice cream making and ranting

Thursday, March 31, 2005


2 psuedo-famous people died today. One I care about much more than the other.

Thanks to Lydia for informing me that the only professor I ever really talked to, Alan Dundes, died yesterday. I probably gave him my best work too, which is unfortunate, because it wasn't for my major.

Say what you will about his work. Yes it's often trite, or oversimplistic or just too damn Freudian in a time when most people have decided Freud was little more than a convincing hack. But he was very entertaining, the sort of man who'd be fantastic at parties. Behind Joseph Campbell, and that chick they get on that TLC urban legends show, he's the only other famous folklorist I can think of (Read: care about). I love randomly seeing him on tv. And I loved reading about him in that UC Berkeley news email I get every day that I can't for the life of me figure out how I signed up for.

He loved his folklore, and he died on his feet doing what he loved. And I'm glad for that. One semester he fell and slipped a disc in his back. He was out of class for like a month or two. The replacement prof was cool, and was versed in the school of Alan Dundes, but she didn't have his energy. I could tell how glad he was to get back to his lecturing, he was up at that podium even when he could barely walk. I hope he meets Freud in that giant cocktail party in the sky. They can have a grand old time talking about sports = gay sex.

More famous, for less good of a reason, is that other chick. I'm afraid to post her name for fear of freaks finding it and turning my blog from pink and happy to an ugly hate fest.

Thank goodness the court decided to stay out of it. Lets just hope congress doesn't go and decide to change the laws after this so the courts will have power. It's a good think I'm planning to die young, beautifully, quickly and tragically, wearing a bed jacket. (although I'd better start working on that now, because I'm only getting older)

I just don't know what people are thinking. I don't trust the government with my money, I'm certainly not going to trust them with my life and/or lack thereof.

Also, why is she so damn famous?? People freaking die all the time. HMOs kill people every day. Thousands of people died in Indonesia, but 2 days later it's no longer a top story. Meanwhile people won't shut up about this chick. I'm going to stop my rant now before it really starts because nothing good can come of it. Anyway, I hope she doesn't disturb Dundes and Freud at their cocktail party.


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