plusle and minun
I had quite an eventful weekend. i'll just steal Lydia's format and get this part out of the way so i can focus on other things.
as much as i told lydia "nothing good can come of van nuys" she
just wouldn't listen. and i guess a little good came of it, but not as much as there should have been.
Thursday I drove to work, and when i tried to leave my car wouldn't
work. And it didn't respond to the jumpstart. bleh. So my dad took
the thing apart in front of my work, and found out that the part
that connects the battery to the car was corroded, and while he was
poking at it, part of the battery just fell off. So we figured that
was the problem, I got a new battery and drove home just fine. I
also managed to drive to Anime-LA in Van Nuys to meet Lydia friday
morning. 20 mins later we tried to to for a day of brunch and
shopping, and the car didn't work again. So i decided to stay in
van nuys like my original plan, my dad came to try to make the car
work, but i had to get the damn car towed sunday afternoon, and
missed the kimono workshop (the whole reason i agreed to stay for
the entire convention). bleh.
The tow truck driver wasn't nearly as scary as I had feared. And he
didn't try to engage me in conversation during our 28 mile drive.
Traffic wasn't as bad as it could have been and It took just over
an hour. The drive though was quite an ordeal. If i was prone to
carsickness, i most definitely would have been sick. the ride was
so bumpy, not like bumps on teh road bumpy, but like fidgeting on
speed bumpy. I had a thought that they specifically fixed the truck
that way, banking on the fact that only porn stars and strippers
are in the valley and they can watch them jiggle. But i ended up
deciding that it wouldn't be worth all the strain on your own body,
or the fact that most people aren't strippers and jiggling fat is
not very pleasant. My body is sore today, i'm sure it was because
of the ride. It was like one of those electric things you strap to
your stomach so you don't have to do sit-ups, i imagine. i don't recommend having your car stop working.
if it hadn't been my car, i would have enjoyed watching all the
steps taken to put the car onto the flatbed and secure it.
They fixed my car monday. My battery cables needed replacing, and
some kind of belt (my mom isn't so good with the details), the new
battery, plus the tow, plus today's parts and labor cost about
$400, and my insurance apparently covers $50 toward towing. $350
isn't so bad for making my car work again. As far as cars go, it
could have been much worse. And a corroded, slightly leaky battery
sounds awfully dangerous. (i'm sure that i will die via car one
day, it's just a matter of time)
Being stranded in a hotel full of hardcore anime freaks on friday,
while I was supposed to be enjoying a real mall in the valley and
eating frosted flakes french toast did not put me in such a good
mood. but i'd be dammed before i was going to have a miserable
weekend. and 3/4 of a bottle of cherry vodka later, i wasn't having
such a bad time.
Lydia in short skirts
New best friends Plusle and minun keychains
cats in sushi t-shirt
banana milkshake
cherry vodka
and more
At February 01, 2005 3:58 PM,
Zack said…
Yeah, word on the street is you plusled that cherry vodka in no time flat.
At February 01, 2005 4:58 PM,
C said…
is it possible to be a lush and a spinster librarian with 50 cats. because that just may be my future.
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