you'll always be in my heart
my semesterhas started, that's why i think i'm exploring other career options such as bachelorette and now, netflix writer.
Somehow netflix knew i was going to need a friend, and even though mail didn't come on monday, they managed to get 2 my little pony dvds to me on tues. the blurb on the outside of the sleeve was quite possibly the best thing i've ever read: (they capitalize everything correctly, i don't)
this heartwarming animated series relives the joy and charm of the original movie. join the magical creatures of dream valley-- mythical and traditional ponies, spike the dragon, a bunny and his master magician, the bushwoolies, the grundies and three humans, Megan, Danny and Molly-- as they work to maintain their community's idyll in the face of threatening villains. Still, all remains good and well in lovely Ponyland.
i don't think i could ever write something that fantastic. i don't know if i should just give up living, or keep trying, forever...If a boy wrote that, i'm going to find him and marry him. i bet he'd be the perfect husband, working to maintain our idyll so all remains good and well.
I watched dvd 1 . the end of flutter valley and the ghost of paradise estates. i wasn't overly impressed
flutter valley was about 8 episodes long (and if you remember ponies, each episode was half a 30 min show, the other half being something dumb like glow-worms or something) so thats about 88 minutes of flutter valley. quite a bit too much. the evil witches the short fat mom, with the short fat favored daughter and the tall skinny, a bit more bumbling less favored daughter and the bees get together to steal the sun stone from the ponies. if they don't get it back by sunset all of the foliage in flutter valley will die forever. so they trap the flutter ponies in a giant bee hive, and they're not able to fly because the honey sticks their wings together. never in the hour they have their wings stuck together do they think "hmmmm, why not lick the honey off" dumb ponies!
meanwhile the bushwoolies meet their cousins, the furbobs who look like a cross between a dog and animal from the muppets. and the furbobs are enemies with the stonebacks (giant armadillos).
so just as it looks like flutter valley is going to die, megan gets the furbobs and stonebacks to be friends, and they go save the ponies and the sunstone and set it into place with seconds to spare. we all learn a lesson, and idyll is restored.
bleh, i say. there are too darn many characters. a bunch of ponies, an army of bushwoolies, and army of stonebacks, some furbobs, a whole swarm or two of bees, 3 witches, and megan and spike. so much time is wasted with the obnoxious and ugly witches and the annoying, ugly bees. i guess they're trying to appeal to boys adn action and such. but i don't need all that crap in my ponies. i just want to see ponies interacting with each other.i like ponies, more than the next person, and i want to see them not the lame ass villians. and unlike good shows where they're always fighting the same villian, the ponies keep getting new ones. bleh.
an interesting note. nancy cartwright is one of the voices.
the ghost of paradise estates is a bit better. it opens with ponies doing super cute things like painting the house and sleeping in beds in a big madeline type dorm room (pink of course).
then teh "ghost" comes, who actually turns out to be a changeling who needs to retrieve a jewel from under the manor, so she has to scare everyone out of the house so she can blow it up. she's not really bad, but being blackmailed. so it turns out that her grandfather broke this stone of ultimate power (or whatever) into 2. and put one part in the deepest part of the sea (or river, whatever) and one on the tallest mountain (which turns out to be the estate, even though it seems to be at a reasonable elevation) so evil couldn't use it for evil. but the evil giant octopus waited patiently until the grandpa was too old to fight and kidnapped him.. blah, blah, blah.. megan and her brother and sister , and the ponies save the day, banish evil back to the depts of river-ocean. and smash the stone into bits too small to repair, restoring the idyll, for a while at least. fewer characters i don't care about=good. insignifigant characters still ugly=bad.
I remember watching ponies before school at my grandma's house, much more than i remember jem, but i guess i don't remember much about the show, or i've gotten it confused with My favorite video when i was little, "my little pony: escape from catrina" there is only one set of bad guys, they aren't unattractive, and along with the suspense of whether the ponies would be turned into potion making slaves for catrina they did fantastic things like play leapfrog in the nursery, take naps, and hold costume balls. not enough pony clothing in the series, i say. and really, not enough ponies.
dvd 2 starts with "the glass princess" Porcina (yes the super fat ugly pig princess) likes to turn things into glass so she can look at her ugly self constantly, but the ponies turn her good and it all works out in the end. honestly, ponies are so cute, why can't the rest of the stuff be cute.
there were 2 one part episodes, about 11 mins each. those were slightly better, because they were short, and there weren't any villians. first the ponies adopt a giant clifford proportioned dog, and take care of him until his family comes for him.. then there was the scavenger hunt, where ponies do cute things like hunt for treasure adn solve riddles.
i don't think i like ponies much anymore. but i forgot to change my queue and disc 3 came yesterday. so i guess i'll watch it. rainbow brite is scheduled for today. i'm excited, and slightly nervous. what if all of my childhood memories are fake and everything i watched was actually crap?
my little pony was made by sunbow, and the dolls are made by hasbro, and the dvd put out by rhino- the same companies that do jem (transformers and gi joe too). also some of the music is by the same people who do jem. 1986 was a good year for them, i guess.
hmmm. reading a fan site leads me to believe that every pony made after 2003 has a magnetic hoof. i guess it's time to open the one lydia gave me and see. it's a rather fantastic christmas pony, it's wearing earmuffs, but they sit on her cheeks, not her ears.
the site lead me to beleve that the intro song on the dvd is not the same song from the tv show. i was suspicious anyway, because the intro is not the same picture quality and slightly a different style. i guess since it's not my litle pony and friends on the dvd, they don't want friends in the song.
i dont recommend fan sites though, because people who run them write crap--i mean treasure-- like this and self publish it, expecting people to buy it.
My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
Race to you the Cotton Candy Cafe.
My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
The sweetest place for us to play.
Treats we are sharing
With friendship and caring
.We'll never be apart.
My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
You’ll always be in my heart.
(this is from a 2003 tv commercial)
At January 21, 2005 11:24 AM,
lydia said…
Despite the fact that she has never changed her background, Cynth's blog is becoming pinker and pinker...
At January 23, 2005 2:23 PM,
Kenny said…
and zack said the flower drum song post was hazing! I started out reading the jem posts, but it's become too difficult. It's like asphyxiating on marshmallows..
At January 24, 2005 4:00 PM,
C said…
ha ha, you read it all? are you crazy? my excuse is that typing looks like work and it fills my 8 hrs a day i have to be here.
i will not be watching any more ponies, you'll be happy to know. but i should get the correct rainbow brite disc tomorrow (they somehow sent me a disc that they don't even own).
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