ice cream making and ranting

Friday, January 14, 2005

Buyer Beware

the people at target aren't very smart, this i know. but i never realized how dumb they were, or perhaps it's just the lack of effort devoted to quality work.

I walk in to the store and the first thing to see is a section of low shelving with green signs on the top saying "low carb," "low sugar" etc. and under some of the signage there are the low carb products, the splenda, the bread mixes etc. under the same signs on the opposite side of the shelves are twinkies, hostess cupcakes and doritos. so i stopped, did they come out with low carb twinkies while i wasn't looking? no. they just decided to put the twinkies there because they were on sale. those are about the most carb-full things i can think of, the're probably more carb laden than pure sugar. what can possibly be more unhealty, a cup full of lard maybe? but then again, that doesn't have carbs, i think...this is when a camera phone would come in handy.


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