Vanilla Sky
I always thought that should be the name of an ice cream cake, and not some Tom Cruise Movie.
The people from our taiwan office are visiting this week. they are exactly how i imagine people who live in taiwan are. they're leaving tonight, so we're taking them out to lunch. we're having chinese food. does that make sense? i think these people need ribs, or fried chicken, or hamburgers. in fact, i've been dying to go to jack-in-the-box and try the new chocolate malted crunch shake. but, as i've gone back to my pre happy meal neopets eating habits, i just can't seem to get myself to a jack-in-the-box when i'm in the mood for one. has anyone tried one yet?
Rite-aid has raised the price of thrifty ice cream. it used to go on sale for $1.99 a box. now it's 2 for $5 and you have to buy 2. and anyone who has ever seen the inside of my freezers knows that it's serious work to make room for 2 boxes of ice cream. I'm almost there though, wish me luck, and wish that the ice cream goes on sale this sunday. mmmm. chocolate malted crunch sounds mighty good right now. and don't make the mistake i did of buying the coffee flavored one with biscotti chunks. not only is the box ugly, but the biscotti is so disgustingly fake almond flavored it made me sad. thrifty ice cream is most definitely NOT supposed ot make me sad.
I'm going to ask my parents for an ice cream maker for christmas. I'll start next month. but i'm afraid that my mom has already shown me my christmas present (so i wouldn't buy it myself) and that she's not getting me anything else. but it's a barbie thing, so it's as much for her as it is for me. also, i'm afraid i might, literally, die from eating too much heavy cream. it killed those baskin robbins guys, and i don't think that their ice cream is super premium (read: super, extra fatty) the way that the ice cream that is sold in pints is. i could be wrong though. i sort of consider baskin robbins part of my childhood, and therefore not really quality.
I'd have the best deep fried ice cream ever though.
At September 10, 2004 11:17 AM,
lydia said…
I love Chocolate Malted Crunch. But Mint Chip sounds really good right now too... I wish there was a Thrifty's/Rite Aid/Whatever near campus.
My family goes out for Chinese food when people are visiting from Taiwan. I think Ben said it best... After 3 evenings of eating Chinese food at my mom's, he realized that "Chinese food" to him was "food" to Chinese people.
There's a lot of fantastic food in Taiwan, and lots of burger, BBQ, fried etc. American food isn't a huge draw to foreigners. I'm a sucker for asianized Western food, though.
At September 10, 2004 11:10 PM,
Zack said…
People are fools. People are damn fools. People who buy Thrifty's ice cream other than Mint Chip and regret it are fools that I can't muster sympathy for.
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