TV review: From Wack to Mack
I'm going to try a new labeling system, and see how I like it. It will make it easier for you to sift through my blog on those days when I post 5 times. I am worried that my newly formed creative title writing skills will once again disappear, so maybe i'll make that the first line of the body.... anyway...
I spent most of the weekend on the couch watching tv deciding that I was dying of tuberculosis, malaria or SARS, but somehow I managed to survive, despite all of the crap I watched. By far, the worst show I saw was MTV2's from Wack to Mack. Now, I should have gotten a clue by the fact that it's an original MTV2 series, but I didn't quite realize that until at the end of the makeover the kids said "thank you MTV2" in whatever vernacular they were using.
Now, I've seen a makeover show or two in my day. And in every makeover they start out somewhere between hideous and mediocre and they aways improve. Always. Leave it to MTV2 to be on the cutting edge and take a guy from looking horrible, to making him look equally horrible, yet different. Quite possible this is because my taste runs more classic or preppie than hip hop star. But, honestly, his parents couldn't have liked his new look much more than his old one. They were just happy he chopped of his stringy disgusting long hair. And the before picture of the girl was her wearing some kind of logo tracksuit not much different than the after look of the guy. Also, they went to Jacob the jeweler, who is apparently mentioned in some kind of popular song. I didn't quite understand if they got to keep the 75 carat total diamond cross on a diamond chain or the 8 carat diamond ring and matching earrings. but, wow. those were probably the most expensive things those kids had ever touched. mtv doesn't have that kind of budget i'm sure. now that i think about it, it's pretty mean. taunting these kids with what they can't have...
anyway. this is a horrible show. at least the girl got a good haircut out of the deal. I think clinton and stacy need to have the learning channel call mtv and give them some advice.
Yes, I know I'm old. and square.
At July 20, 2004 12:31 AM,
Kenny said…
What?! Why does MTV2 have original programming? The whole point of this station was that MTV was corrupted beyond repair by shows featuring real 18-22 year olds embarrassing themselves with moronic behavior.
MTV2 was where they shoved all the videos to continue to justify the "M" in the letters and give music videos a reason to exist besides the 30-second "Buzzworthy" clips that run during the credits of Newlyweds.
If they're making shows for this network too, the music video form is truly screwed. It's only a matter of time before we have not one, but two channels that will be filled with nothing but Real World and True Life marathons 24/7/52.
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