Musing: my sanity, will power and shopping habits
I am a bad person. I may actually have a medical condition of some sort, because my mom has it too. Or quite possibly it's a gender flaw. But I can't myself from buying things I don't need, or will really ever use.
A year or so ago I bought a $4 tank top from Hot Topic that reads "I *heart* shy boys." Why did i buy this? because it was cute, and cost $4. Not because I'd actually wear it. Months and months later I finally decided it was reasonable to sleep in. So I do. and I'm very proud that I was able to put my dumb purchase to use, even if you can't put it in the clothes dryer.
But yesterday, oh boy, I bought a $5.50 clearance shirt from ross. It's brown and in big white glittery lettering it says "Talk nerdy to me". This I cannot wear to sleep, because it will shed glitter in my bed, and it's not particularly soft. It's not even that attractive.
If anyone wants to match me there are at least 30 more, and they come in small, medium and large. The also have shirts that say "too young for ashton" "ashton's future crush" and "you must be this tall to ride this ride."
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, for a certain person I know who has a boyfriend named Justin, they didn't have any Justin shirts. If I had a boyfriend named Justin I probably would go out an buy the $40 shirt from urban outfitters that says "I did Justin, 3 times"
At July 22, 2004 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dude, I saw those Justin shirts at urban outfitters too. At first I thought they were really funny and that I wanted one, but then I imagined my mom finding it in the wash...
At July 23, 2004 7:26 AM,
Zack said…
Yes, it's a gender thing.
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