OMG Sarah Palin has my coat!
Found on a boingboing post depicting a photoshopped verison
This is the original.
Does this mean Sarah Palin shops at TJ Maxx? Because I'm pretty sure that's where I got mine. I'm sure it wasn't over $30. I've never actually worn it, because really, it's a little crazy. But now I can't really wear it, can I? It's been boingboinged for goodness sake. I can't wear the same coat as crazy book-banning, librarian firing, creationism lady. (Although I'd like to believe in a time when dinosaurs and humans lived in harmony)
My other moments of clothing famousness:
The 90's when Andrea on the original 90210 wore an ugly pink sweater that my mom had
A sweater I bought a few years ago from the Macys juniors department that was on both the Nick show Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide and Disney's Suite Life of Zach and Cody.
A crazy print shirt/tunic thing from Zara that Giada De Laurentis wore on her weekend getaway show to San Francisco.
That's all I can think of for now. Although not clothing. Hannah Montana has one of our pfaltzgraff patterns in her kitchen. And icarly has our fifties clock.
How about you?
At October 07, 2008 4:40 PM,
Kenny said…
You're missing the point. She is a regular lady like you who shops at TJ Maxx. Now you have to vote for her, and wear the coat.
Turk on Scrubs wore the orange Paul Frank shirt that I am wearing right now.
I bought a jacket after I saw Logan wearing it on Veronica Mars.
Marshall on How I Met Your Mother wears lots of clothes from the Lucky Store that I have considered buying, and some that are similar to items I own.
At October 07, 2008 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was so very disappointed when I found out the picture was Photoshopped. Oh well. It's still my Facebook profile (the 'shopped version).
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