It seems Kenny and I both enjoyed a bit of food competition this weekend.
I tried my best, but I couldn’t get my act together enough to enter the dorkbake. A competition where you build your own cooking device that runs off a 100 watt lightbulb, and then you compete in a bake-off.
However, I wasn’t about to miss the festivities. It was better than everyone expected.
If there’s a second one, wild horses can’t stop me. I have a great idea for a librarian themed set up.
Read Boing Boing’s recap.
And see pictures.
My favorite won 3rd place. An oven inside an old Mac. The mouse was a dimmer switch. Although, #1 really deserved it with the gorilla suit an all. In addition to crazy presentation, they also baked the thickest cake. Light can be pretty powerful, I guess.
Oh yes, the boing boing post totally doesn't mention the amazingness of the Machine Project's space. There's a doorbell on the wall, with a sign that looks something like this.
1. Press Bell
2. Wait
3. Give hand $2
4. Wait
5. Enjoy Beer
There is also a small beer can sized hole in the floor near the bell. Yes a hand comes out of the hole, receives money, and then beer comes out of the floor. Magical! If i wasn't trying to get over my cold, I probably would have been drunk off my ass because of the novelty of it all.
At February 08, 2007 6:46 PM,
lyan! said…
I will be going and hopefully entering an oven next year, help me design it!
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