ice cream making and ranting

Friday, July 08, 2005

Just like Anime, only not animated

Or, maybe better than anime, because it’s real

Yes, last night I was going to do my homework, but then I saw this in the guide:
America's Bread Battle

Oh my gosh, they really have them! And they’re better than in cartoons! And this was America’s first bread and pastry battle. Now, pastry competitions I’ve heard of. There’s the cake competitions and the sugar ones and the chocolate ones, etc. Those are some pretty easy mediums. But to actually make a show piece out of bread, wow! Check the schedule and watch. They’ve actually silk screened bread! I wish there were pictures online (but as a side note if you do an image search for or you do get Yakitate.)

Here’s how it works. You have a team of 2 people, preferably a bread expert and a pastry expert.

On the bread side, teams have to turn in a baguette, any other bread of the chef’s choice, 3 types of Danish, and the bread showpiece.

On the pastry side there needs to be a plated dessert, a cake and the pastry showpiece which has to incorporate sugar sculpting and chocolate. (and as we learn, chocolate likes to stick to chocolate, and sugar likes to stick to sugar, but they don’t like sticking to each other much.

There were pretty obvious winners and losers, but in a competition like that the losers could kick mostly anyone else’s asses. And the competition is intense. 3 days before the competition one of the bread guys had a nervous breakdown and pulled out. His partner soldiered ahead, not wanting to give up the opportunity to be seen and judged by people of such high caliber. They gave him a fake sportsmanship award (awwww!) I’m sure we’ll see the bread guy next year after he shaves his head and visits a convent.


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